Call on Orlando AC Repair Experts for Problems You Can’t Troubleshoot
[fusion_text]Posted by: Susan Rosser on January 05, 2015
It snowed in Florida for the first time in five years this January, up north in Jacksonville. The cold front from Canada had also affected cities in the central region, including Orlando, which was recently hit by wind chills.
Weather experts, are saying, however, that these cold fronts will not last for long, as temperatures of as high as the 80s are expected for the rest of January and on to February. This means Orlando residents should make sure their air conditioning systems are in top shape.
Proper air conditioning maintenance is a must if you want an efficient system and avoid high energy bills. When problems do happen, do not fall into the trap of conducting DIY repairs if the case requires the knowhow of Orlando air conditioning repair experts, like those at Westbrook Service Corporation.
Certain problems may require only minor troubleshooting. For example, if your AC unit refuses to work, check the basics, like if the settings are correct, or if the system controls are in good working condition. The problem could be something as minor as a drained remote control battery.
Some malfunctions are also simple enough to fix on your own, such as replacing a burnt-out fuse, or pushing the compressor motor’s reset button back in.
Professional Repair
When you have exhausted all simple troubleshooting measures, and your unit still refuses to function well, if at all, then it’s time to call in Orlando AC repair professionals. The problem might be coming from a damaged electrical wiring or main power cord, which should be left in the hands of HVAC technicians.
Problems with the AC compressor could also be the result of fluctuating voltage over a period of time. If this is the case, the compressor may need to be replaced altogether by a professional.
If you are not getting enough cooling, the problem might be coming from insufficient power reaching the blower fans. This can happen if the wires connecting the blower motor to the electrical source are damaged. Testing with a multimeter will tell you if this is causing the problem. If the blower is getting enough power, but is still not working, the motor’s capacitor may need to be changed. Whether the solution is replacing damaged blower wires or the capacitor, rely on AC repair pros to safely and accurately do the job.
Insufficient cooling could also mean a need for coolant change, which again should be done only by a technician. Likewise, a buildup of frost around connectors, fan motors, and hoses could indicate a leak. An AC repair pro can detect the source of the leak and perform the necessary repair or replacement.
(Source: Florida’s Record Warmth Mocks Rest of Cold, Shivering U.S.,, January 4, 2015)[/fusion_text]