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Why Design Build?

Cost Savings

Because the contractors are involved in the design phase of the project, Design/Build can provide significant cost savings over traditional plan and spec contracts. The early collaboration in the development of the project encourages many other small savings in ways and means that, because of the collaborative process, are easy to interject into the design. By creating “buddies” on the team i.e. the mechanical contractor and the mechanical engineer, the electrical contractor and the electrical engineer, the general contractor and the architect, etc., and through the collaborative process between these team members, the project will be built “as designed”. The “value engineering” ideas that typically come up after the completion of the design process are built right in and budgeted from the beginning. The earlier that cost savings are taken into consideration, the larger the impact.

Fast Track/Accelerated Project Delivery

Design/Build contracts are highly suited for projects that require a fast track scheduling or, are complex in nature. Timely identification of and solving of design and construction issues may shave months off of the construction schedule and thousands of dollars out of the overall design and construction costs. With all issues well explored and resolved in a timely manner, contractor initiated change orders and claims are substantially reduced or even eliminated.

A Collaborative Process That Promotes Teamwork

Through this process the Owner/Developer and the Design/Build team members develop a close working relationship. The Design/Build team members develop a sense of ownership and pride in the project and the process. A working relationship such as this results in strengthening professional friendships amongst the participants. With the basic paradigms removed that tend to cause enmity and friction, team members actually function as a team resulting in better overall constructability and the most cost effective construction solutions.

CFC 1429666, CMC 1249312, EC13007076
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